Volume 1 Article 10

My Golden Year: 24 Things I Have Learned in Life

Monday May 1, 2023

It is crazy to think that I am 24 years old! I have no idea where the time has gone, but I am grateful for everything that has happened. Looking back on these years especially my college ones, I will say I have learned a lot in life. Now although I have learned a lot, not all of the learning has come from positive experiences. But it is from these experiences I have grown and learned the most.

Here is my list of 24 things I have learned in honor of turning 24 this year:

1. You Are The Biggest Force Holding Yourself Back

Looking back on why I did not do something whether that be taking a trip, applying for a job or going for something that I want, I seem to be the common factor. I always would look at something and be like I am took busy, do not want to spend the money, or I lack experience. Although money and experience are valid reasons, I hung on to them more as an excuses. I let myself be the biggest force stopping me from going after things in life, thinking it is was other forces.

2. Your Opinion Matters Most

Still to this day I catch myself thinking about what other might think about certain aspects of my life, but have come to learn that it is my opinion that matter most. Focusing too much on what others think has held me back from being me and discovering who I am. At the end of the day it is your life so wear the top you find cute, vacation to the places you want, and enjoy the activities you like.

3. Put Yourself First So You Can Be the Best Version of You

Although some might find this to be self-centered or selfish, I believe that when you are the best version of yourself you are able to be the best version for others. It is important to focus on yourself, your mental and physical health because all these factor into your mood, how you feel, energy levels, and ability to give your 100% effort. If you are not at your best then it makes it hard to give someone your best.

4. Find a Creative Outlet to Escape Reality

Life can be hard sometimes, which is why I think finding a way to escape will help especially on those hard days. Something that I have been wanting to do for years now is start a blog. After putting it off, I made it my new year’s resolution to start it and just post for me. Posting without worry has been fun and although not all post will be top hits, I have enjoyed getting to write down what happens in my life.

5. Say Yes and Do Things You Would Never Do

Saying yes to things so far has ended up with me doing some of the coolest things. Such as studying abroad and climbing Machu Picchu Mountain with my classmates. Other things that I have done is gone to concerts, music festivals, swim with pigs and sharks which have all led to making some of the greatest memories. Think less and do more, but with in reason!

6. Try Something New

Something that I have really tried to stick to is prioritizing my health especially my physical health. Which I have to say has felt great. Running is something that I have been consistent with for a while, but recently I have been trying different workout classes. Participating in different workout classes has allowed for me find a class that I like. From these classes, I have discovered that I really like pilates. This has been great because it allows for me to challenge myself in a new way.

7. Family is Everything

Be there for your family and they will be there for you, it is as simple as that. You can not expect someone to be there for you if you are not willing to be there for them. Not to mention family is family so at the end of the day you may fight or have disagreements or go through stages where you do not see each other often, but you are still family. You only have one family so be there and support.

8. Do Not Worry About What You Can Not Control

Worrying too much will only hold you back in the end. A lot happens in life, but there is only a little that you can control. If you focus on what you can not control then you will hold yourself back from moving forward. Focus on on what little you can control and it will allow for you to be present and less consumed. Spending energy on uncontrollable things will only drain you.

9. Find An Activity that Keeps You Active

When I can get into a routine and focus on my physical health, I found that it has allowed me to keep going. I feel great and focused, being in a better mindset. During the pandemic I turned to running as my activity to keep me activity. It is something that allows me to focus on me for a short time being. Being active has allowed me to reset and be better for myself. Now I will say that it can be hard to remain active, but once you find that activity you will feel the difference it has.

10. Follow Your Own Path

First thing first, everyone has their own path in life. I will say that again, everyone has the own path in life. Everyone has their own path from what their hobbies are, skills, education, and career among other things. These slight differences help set you on your path. So if your path looks different then your friends, do not be discourage by it and know that it is okay to be different. Also know that paths change and that it is not direct.

11. Explore New Places and Take Trips

If you are in college, I highly recommend that you study abroad. I did two different programs that allowed for me to explore new places and experience new things that I am so thankful for. But if college has past, there is still time to travel and explore. So take that trip you were thinking of or create a bucket list because now is the time to do this things. Trust me and do not wait until you think there is a perfect moment, because you will miss the chance.

12. Learn a New Skill

You can become complacent in life if you stick to the same routine. I found that learning a new skill will help keep you moving forward and break up that routine. It does not matter if the skill is related to something you already do or your career. What does matter is that you find new ways to grow and challenge yourself. There are so many new skills to learn and who knows when a skill might become relevant.

13. Relationships Change, But Real Friends Will Stay

Something that middle and high school did not teach me was that relationships will change. And that is for both friendships and relationships. The relationships you will have in college and as an adult will be different from high school where thoughts about the future are more real. Same with friendships, your friends will be in relationships and get married which will change the dynamic. Even if these relationships change, you will know who your true friends are as they will always stay through the change.

14. Do Not Forget To Be In The Moment

Life never stops which means the list of things to do and accomplish is always there and growing. With a growing list of things to do, it can make it hard to be present because your thoughts are somewhere else. But make sure that you make plans with your friends, go out and have fun. Be present and enjoy doing something for yourself.

15. Being Perfect Will Hold You Back More Than You Think

As much as I would like to be perfect in all that I do, it is not possible. So instead of being perfect, I try to give my best effort. Putting your best foot forward will get you father both mentally and physically. Focusing too much on one project, assignment, activity or anything will not allow for you to see the big picture and keep you from spending your time efficiently. Focus on doing your best, it is all that anyone can really ask of you.

16. Life Is Not Linear

One of the greatest reminders I had is that life is not linear. Your life will not always be on the up and there will be downs. Not only that, you could feel in life you are going in circle or no where, when in reality it is a spiral. From the top of a spiral, it looks like a circle, but if you look at it from the side you are progressing up. So next time when things seems to not be going your way or no where, remember life is not always on the up.

17. Asking For Help Is A Strength

It seems like now a days asking for help is looked at in a negative way. Which I am not sure why it is like that because I find it to be a strength. I know that it is hard, but asking for help can have a huge impact on life. Do not be afraid to ask, because those who care about you the most are more than willing to be there for you.

18. Everything Will Work Itself Out In The End

I am a huge worrier and stress over the outcome of an event or how a day might go. But every time I worry or stress myself out about something, I always realize afterwards that what I was working myself up about was nothing big. It is one of those things that you control what you can, but let the rest happen on its own. Everything will be okay, even if that is hard to see in the moment.

19. You Will Not Lose What Is Meant For You

This can be for so many things in life whether that is a person, job, or opportunity. Keep in mind that what is meant to be in your life, the path you are on, and what you have is for you. If there is something that you want but is not in your life, do not stress to have it. If it is meant to be there then it will be and if you have it, then it will stay.

20. It Is Okay To Have Bad Days

Similar to it being okay not to be perfect, it is also okay to have bad days. I do not know anyone who can say that everyday of the year was a good day. If you have a bad day, it is okay and focus on yourself. Know that good days will come and that there is something to be learned from bad days.

21. Be There For The People Who Matter Most To You

Everyone always talks about being there for family, but what people do not recognize is that your support system goes beyond your family. Be there for those people, just like you would for your family. Everything in life deals with energy, the energy you give out is what you will receive back. Which is true for being there for your people, if you are there for them, they will be there for you.

22. Keep Your Circle Small

A good rule of thumb is quality over quantity, which can be used for anything, especially your friends. If you do not have a big group of friends, know that it is okay, because it is best to have quality than quantity. Think to yourself, who do I gravitate towards more and why. Those who you gravitate more to tend to be the ones who are there for you and are friends you can count on. Those are the ones you should focus on.

23. Post For Yourself Not For Others

Often we get caught up with likes and followers that it can make social media a toxic place. For me at one point I found social media to be toxic which led to me taking an almost two year break. Taking this break was exactly what I needed because it reminded me that my worth should not be attached to the interaction I receive on social media. So post for yourself, if there is a picture that you want to post, go post it and do not let other decide what you put out. Post for yourself and not the likes.

24. Do Not Beat Yourself Up

It can be easy to beat yourself up when something does not go your way or turn out how you would like it to. If something does not end up the way you would like it, remember that there is something to learn from it. Use it as a learning opportunity instead of a way to tear yourself down. In the end you will benefit yourself if you can use it as a learning opportunity.

24 bahamas Barcelona beach bucket list creative outlet dallas distance running experiences family friends golden year half marathon hiking life life lessons Machu Picchu path runner skill snowboarding social media Spain study abroad travel winter

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